Pathways Learning Center

Education with Purpose for Every Student



Create a learning culture where every student flourishes and achieves their God given potential


God created every child with unique talents and abilities. We desire to create a culture of learning where every student experiences the joy and love of learning. We understand that every child is on a path to growing and becoming the person God created them to be. The Pathways Learning Center offers a variety of intervention strategies and teaching methods to meet the needs of all of our students. In this way, we strive to make Christian education accessible to all children.


Our heart is to see every student flourishing in the classroom. To that end, parents, teachers and administration will work together to meet the needs of struggling students in the following ways:

  • Student learning difficulties will be communicated swiftly by parents and/or teachers
  • A Pathways Learning Center consultant will conference with teachers and parents to discuss the nature of the difficulty and how it is currently being managed
  • Testing may be recommended by an appropriate physician, educational psychologist or educational diagnostician
    • educational testing is available free of charge through the local school districts
    • parents may elect private educational testing and TMCA can provide recommendations on local providers
  • Once testing has been completed, parents are to share the results with the Pathways Learning Center to determine what, if any, course of action is recommended. This may be accommodations for a student to use in the classroom or a recommendation for intervention services
  • Administration, along with the NILD consultant and classroom teacher will draft a formal plan for the student. This plan may also include recommendations for parents to implement to support their student’s learning
  • Teachers and parents will monitor the student’s progress and communicate regularly
  • The formal plan will be reviewed for efficacy and necessity yearly. Renewed testing will have to be updated every three years
  • If NILD educational Therapy Services are recommended, these will be scheduled with the Pathway Learning Staff and conducted in the Learning Center. These fees will be above regular tuition and billed with monthly school tuition. Please know that the therapeutic process may require a 3-5 year commitment.
  • Services rendered by an outside agency providing Occupational or Speech Therapy may also be scheduled in the Pathways Learning Center by coordinating with Administration
Program Annual Tuition Materials Fee
Full Time Educational Therapy (160 min/week) $6,500/year  $150
Half Time Educational Therapy (90 min/week) $4,500/year  $150
Search and Teach 

5 years – First Grade 

(90 min/week) 

$3,500/year  $150
Skill Building 

Second grade and up 

$2,500/year  $150
Feurstein Instrumental Enrichment

(90 min/week)

$3,500/year $150



Search & TEACH is an early intervention program developed to meet the educational needs of young learners before they experience potential frustration of learning failure. The Search & TEACH program assesses and addresses reading readiness skills for five- and six-year-olds that enables them to better relate to academic task demands in areas such as reading and writing.

The Search & TEACH focuses on:

  • developing foundational skills necessary for successful learning
  • targeting the deficit areas through techniques that build perceptual skills such as visual memory, auditory sequential memory, directionality, and motor skills



Educational Therapy techniques stimulate cognitive and academic weaknesses to help develop more efficient functioning and accurate thinking skills. the goal of educational therapy is to equip students to succeed in the classroom and in life as independent learners. Students in educational therapy are released from the classroom for a predetermined number of sessions per week and are typically enrolled in therapy for an average of three or more years.

A full, individual evaluation, which may be an additional cost, is required prior to enrollment into the educational therapy program. Educational testing must be kept current, usually no more than three years old, to remain enrolled for program and support services.

Educational Therapy:

  • Uses interactive language and ulti-sensory interventions to develop core academic skills and higher order thinking and processing skills
  • Focuses on teaching the student “how” to think versus “what” to think to enable them to overcome specific learning issues in the areas of reading, spelling, mathematics, handwriting, written expression, listening and reasoning.

The Skill Building program is a tutorial-based assistance program that seeks to provide students with additional help with a specific academic subject. Tutoring assistance is offered throughout the school day or during Extended Care hours.

The Skill Building Program:

  • Provides help for students who often have difficulty organizing and planning effective studying for tests/quizzes
  • Provides tutorial program for specific academic subjects
  • Augments classroom instruction
  • Works with classroom teacher to identify weaknesses
  • Targets good study skills

The Feuerstein Method helps individuals achieve their potential by teaching them how to learn. It’s a process-oriented approach that identifies learning challenges, analyzes them, and resolves them through systematic intervention. Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment (FIE) is a cognitive intervention program that helps improve thinking and learning skills. It includes various tasks specifically designed to be done in a classroom, group, or individual setting. FIE focuses on different mental skills and provides a structured approach to problem-solving. By participating in FIE, learners can enhance their understanding and elaboration of information.