Education With Purpose

The Met Christian Academy


The Met Christian Academy exists to provide exceptional education devoted to Christian discipleship. We believe faith and learning are inseparable. Therefore, we are committed to providing an education that cultivates both knowledge and character, preparing students for a lifetime of faithful discipleship and impact in the world. Our learning community is transformational. Our students gain a deeper understanding of their unique identify and purpose and are encouraged to celebrate and grow their God-given potential.


Our commitment to families means that we come alongside parents for the purpose of discipling their children in the faith. Moreover, we provide an education that helps every child learn how to think christianly about the world and to develop their skills and God-given abilities to serve the Lord. Together the home, church and school work together to make disciples who serve the church and community for the sake of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom....for His glory.


We will encourage spiritual growth and development of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 19:13-15)

We will integrate biblical truth into all academic subjects, teaching all subjects as parts of an integrated whole with scripture at the center (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

We will partner together, home and school, assisting parents in their primary role to disciple their children in the faith.

We will encourage Christianly thinking evidenced by the ability to think rationally, study effectively, and to develop sound Christ-like values.

We will develop in students the desire to pursue whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8).

We will provide education that makes it possible for students to acquire a comprehensive, organized body of knowledge while also, and more importantly, seeking wisdom from God.

We will teach students how to evaluate what they learn according to God's Word, the truth.

We will promote competence in communication through speaking, writing, reading, and listening.

We will instill understanding that creative expression is a gift from God that should be used to glorify Him.

We will promote self-understanding for good physical and mental health.

We will encourage a love for learning and help each student reach their academic potential by helping students develop healthy habits of scholarship and personal responsibility.

We will invite students and families into meaningful relationships with God and each other.